Pro/Bridge Geometry

Overall Rating not rated
Reliability Rating not rated
Stability Rating not rated
Ease of Use Rating not rated
User Interface Rating not rated
Software Name: Pro/Bridge Geometry

Pro/Bridge-Geometry is a versatile bridge modeling system that enables engineers to use the basic geometric parameters of road surface and bridge components to capture the complete 3-D geometry of a simple or very complex bridge site.

The system provides solutions to complex geometric problems that are difficult to do by hand, time consuming and tedious in nature. Such problems are often prone to errors that could lead to serious cost overrun and legal liability issues. It removes the geometric limitations in the design process and allows exploring better solutions to complex bridges.

Starting from the digital terrain data, basic alignment and road data, the user can dynamically manipulate the basic parameters that control the layout and proportioning of bridge elements. The effect of any parameter change is propagated into the complete 3-D model and instantly updates screen views as well as all tabular and graphic reports. The system accounts for the variety of bridge types and component shapes.

The system generates tabular reports such as screed elevation table and graphic reports as well as drawings such as abutment, piers, footing layout, girder layout, etc. Output can be viewed, printed and/or exported to packages such as AutoCad or Excel to finalize the generation of contract documents.

The system is not a bridge analysis or design program nor is it intended as a replacement of CAD packages such as AutoCAD.

License Type:
Price: US Dollar 3500
Data Format:
Design Code: