Data Formats

Title Description Software Count
100+ Supports over 100 files formats. 1
200+ Supports over 200 files formats. 4
300+ Supports over 300 files formats. 2
3D Studio 2
3DXML 3D XML is a universal, lightweight XML-based format that enables users to capture and share live, accurate 3D data quickly and easily. 1
Access Relational database data storage (by Microsoft). 6
aecXML XML-based data format used to represent information in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. 0
agcXML agcXML is a set of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schemas designed to automate and streamline the exchange of information during the building design and construction process. agcXML facilitates the electronic exchange between different software programs of typical business information that is otherwise exchanged in unstructured construction documents. The agcXML schemas include the exchange of information commonly included in the following document types: Request for Information (RFI), Request for Pricing/Proposals, Owner/Contractor Agreements, Schedule of Values, Change Order, Application for Payment, Supplemental Instructions, Change Directive, Bid, Payment, Performance, and Warranty Bonds, Submittals. 0
AutoCAD 8
Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Inventor. 2
BIM Building Information Modeling. 3D, object-oriented, AEC-specific CAD data format to describe the building process and to facilitate exchange and interoperability of information. 15
CATIA Computer Aided Three dimensional Interactive Application 0
Cinema 4D 1
Cinema 4D XML 1
CIS/2 Data format for information related to the design, analysis, procurement, fabrication planning, fabrication automation, and the erection of structural steel in buildings. CIS/2 stands for CIMSteel Integration Standards, where CIMSteel designates Computer Integrated Manufacturing of Constructional Steelwork. 12
COLLADA COLLAborative Design Activity. 0
CVS Comma Separated Values. 1
DWF Design Web Format (by Autodesk). Inteded for efficient distribution, viewing, reviewing and printing design files. Not intended to replace design files. 6
DWG Electronic drawing files (by AutoDesk). 39
DXF Drawing exchange format (by AutoDesk). 67
Excel Spreadsheet data (by Microsoft). 23
Faro 1
G-code Programming language that controls Numerically Controlled (NC) and Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools. 0
IFC Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is object oriented file format to facilitate exchange of electronic information and to achieve interoperability in the building and construction industry. 18
IGES The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) is neutral exchange format for 2D or 3D CAD product models, drawings, or graphics. 10
Informatix 1
JT Lightweight data format used primarilly in the automotive and aerospace industries. 0
KISS Material and job data export for steel structures. 2
KML Keyhole Markup Language 1
LandXML Exchange of spacial data for civil and survey applications. 1
Leica 1
Matlab 1
Microstation Electronic drawing files (by Bentley). 3
Midas 1
MS Office 5
NavisWorks 2
NCCTP Data format to simplify colaboration and data exchange within the AEC industry. 0
PDF Portable document format by Adobe. 10
Rhinoceros 3D Data format that can mathematically precise describe freeform surfaces by using Non Uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS). 1
Riegl 1
SAP2000 SAP2000 is a structural analysis and design program developed by Computers and Structures, Inc. Other programs can interface with SAP2000 using API programming or by reading the SAP2000 input and output data from a standard database. 2
Scia Engineer 2
SDNF Steel Detailing Neutral Format 5
SDS/2 Steel detailing data format developed by SDS/2 1
SHD Geospatial vector data format for geographic information systems software. 1
SketchUp 2
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (ISO 10303). 7
STL Stereo Lithography. Data format to define 3D solids by describing them with the help of triangular surfaces. 6
Tekla Structures 4
TransXML XML schemas for the exchange of transportation data. 0
Trimble Data format for GIS applications. 1
U3D Universal 3D 1
Virtual Building Data format that embraces the entire building industry and manages the entire information life cycle of buildings. 1
VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language. File format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, especially for the use on the World Wide Web. 8
Word Microsoft Word. Formatted text data format (by Microsoft). 19
X3D XML-based ISO standard for real-time 3D computer graphics. 0
XML eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a general markup language used to develop many data formats. 13
Z+F Data format for 3D laser scanning technology. 1