
Software Description Price Rating

Descon Brace is a steel connection design software for Braced Frame type structures. It is a Windows based program with a graphical user interface for defining the input data and for reviewing the...

GEO5 Sheeting Check

The program is used for the analysis of shallow and deep excavations and retaining structures (anchored, non-anchored cantilever and prop or strut walls) by the method of elastoplastic nonlinear...

Euro 620 not rated
GT Strudl

Structural Design & Analysis software programs for Architectural - Engineering - Construction (AEC), CAE/CAD, utilities, offshore, industrial, nuclear and civil works facilities.


US Dollar 2400 to 4750 not rated
Metal 3D

Program for the design of steel, aluminium and timber structures; including the design of connections, ties, bracing, etc.

Euro 2448.2 not rated