interaction diagram

Software Description Price Rating
Advanced Column Program

Interactive design of reinforced concrete columns. Generates P/M interaction diagram and displays moment magnification factor for slender columns.

US Dollar 700 not rated
Altiscad Intellishape

Altiscad Intellishape is a general purpose biaxial bending calculation software tool, developed to design and check any geometry cross section. The software allows to design and check the bearing...

Euro 850 4.0000/5.0

Design of simple and complex reinforced concrete columns.

not rated

Design and investigation of reinforced concrete column sections. The column section can be rectangular, round or irregular shaped with any reinforcement layout or pattern, and slenderness effects...

not rated

RcSections is a 32-bit Windows program designed specifically for structural engineers to perform axial-flexural analysis and design of concrete sections (beams, columns or walls) according to ACI...

US Dollar 1500 not rated