Moment area method

Method for finding deflections in a framed structure by the use of moment area curve.

First Theorem

Picture illustrating the first theorem

Theorem 1: The change in slope between any two points on the elastic curve equals the area of the M/EI diagram between these two points.


\[\theta_{AB} = {\int_A}^B \frac{M}{EI}\;dx\]


  • M moment
  • EI flexural rigidity
  • \(\theta_{AB}\) ... change in slope between points A and B
  • A, B ... points on the elastic curve

Second Theorem

Picture illustrating the second theoremTheorem 2: The deviation of the tangent at point B on the elastic curve with respect to the tangent at point A equals the "moment" of the M/EI diagram between points A and B computed about point A (the point on the elastic curve), where the deviation \(t_{A/B}\) is to be determined.

\[t_{A/B} = {\int_A}^B \frac{M}{EI} \bar{x} \;dx\]


  • M moment
  • EI flexural rigidity
  • \(t_{A/B}\) ... deviation of tangent at point B with respect to the tangent at point A
  • \(\bar{x}\) ... centroid of M/EI diagram measured horizontally from point A
  • A, B ... points on the elastic curve


  • Russel C. Hibbeler: Structural Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995, chapter 8, p. 354-569, ISBN 0-02-354041-9
